Is God for real? Well,I don't know.now that's a fact.I believe God exists.I am not here to prove or disprove this.I am just here to ask you why we cringe when we see people being violent to animals,but can chop up fellow beings in the name of caste ,creed and religion!
Who tells us the right facts about God?religion?
Different religions get us to different gods then?Or is it different approaches to the same destination?.Well I believe; that there is one creator and all religions take different paths to the same destination.Religious practices where rules laid down by different leaders,influenced greatly by geography,language and local practices.Religion is thus as diverse as the beautiful faces we see around the world!
I am a South Indian Christian.I married in a red sari with a "thali" to signify my marital status in a church with a lamp insitu and a flag post outside!To the observant, these practices take root from Hinduism.Does this make me less Christian? My name isn't from the Bible, it is often considered a Hindu name,where as it is just another beautiful Indian name.I cant remember thinking my classmates were any different from me while I was in school.Gone are those days ,and now we are battling it out for churches and ownership of christ.Having a fair understanding of the subtle differences among practices in different fractions of christianity, I ve never understood the need to establish who the right kind of christian was.
While the fight for churches were going on in kerala,among syrian christians,I took an Uber to my husband's house one evening. Enroute, I was asked where i work.Having realised that I work in a certain Christian institution ,he was quick to think me his rival.His driving became rash and so did his approach to me.In his monologue,he enlightened me on how i was the wrong kind of Christian, and how he prided himself in having entered churches and vandalised them,having abused those gathered there. He explained the violence he was happy to have been part of.I tumbled out of the car like clothes out of a wringer,at the end of my amusement park ride..With one foot out to freedom,I told him," I may be the wrong kind of Christian,but I believe there is God, and I think God needs no protection or validation.I wouldn't walk into a holy place and abuse people and set fire to it,for that reason.Were you able to find out what kind of Christian Jesus really is?"
When people don't understand God ,they turn to their version of religion! Rituals often take precedence over the thought that it represents..Would god want his creations to harm each other?Would a parent want his/her children to discriminate amongst themselves and beat each other up?Will looting,killing or burning up holy places or ridiculing others practices get you into God's good books?
The essence of christianity as I was taught is "love and hope".We were brought upon quotes which said love thy neighbours,and don't judge others .These two are powerful words if you understand them.
God needs no ones protection.God hides behind no religion or practices.God fights no wars , God isn't greedy.He/she isn't in this circus with us.The creator is alpha and omega!
If you can't see God in his creation.I fail to see why you have eyes at all.
DISCLAIMER: My grandmother may have been an atheist.She never forced her believes on anyone.She attended church,she sent all of us to church and for religious studies.She believed that heaven and hell were on earth ,and we decided where we chose to go acccording to hiw we chose to live.She was more Christian in her ways than most Christians I know.Someone who chose to male more miracles happen with her own hands than pray for them!